Easy Bulk Emails - Premium

Send personalized bulk emails with flexible templates using a CSV file

Premium Easy Bulk Emails

The premium version of Easy Bulk Emails allows you to send an "unlimited" number of emails with full customization. Note that you're still limited by your email provider's constraints. For example, Google limits how many emails you can send per day to 500 or 2000 for personal and business accounts, respectively.

It's very easy. Simply upload a CSV file (with a .csv extension) containing your recipients and the template placeholder variables on the first row and we will do the rest. The only required column is the recipient column, while any name can be used for the other columns as long as the same name is used as placeholder in the email text.

For example, a CSV file can be formated as:

email@example.com,Mr. John,Example Organization
anotheremail@example.com,Ms. Jane,Another Example Organization

The premium access is free for now.

NOTE: Max 2MB. The same attachment is sent to all recipients.